- ECO-ADVANTAGE & ENERGY SAVING: Built in dusk to dawn light sensor, the outdoor led dusk to dawn light turns the bulb on at dusk and off at dawn. You don't have to remember to turn the light bulb on or off. This dusk to dawn light can be used for added security.
- EASY TO USE: Just install it like any regular bulb and leave the switch on. The LED sensor light bulbs use the standard E26/E27 fitting so will fit into a standard socket, perfect for lighting rooms, hallways, porch, office, exhibition.
- CONSERVE ENERGY: This bulb automatically turns on at night, saving you the trouble of manual controls and saves energy when not needed
- WIDE APPLICATION: This Dusk to Dawn Light Sensor Bulb is a great option as a Dusk to Dawn Security Light for porches, garages, gardens and outdoor lamps thanks to the common E26 base that lets it be used with all E26/E27 socket lighting fixtures.
- SENSITIVE DETECTION: This Dusk to Dawn LED Light Bulb LED bulb works properly even in lighting fixtures or close to other fixtures by only detecting sunlight rather than other light sources.